Thursday, January 10, 2013

Where to begin

This is where I began as a young artist just learning how to describe the world around me with a pencil. When I was in ninth or tenth grade it was rather obvious I was an artist. I was so lucky to have a teacher who was interested in helping me develop and I have to credit Mr. Cauvel with introducing me to this book. I have pretty much every iteration of this book and I still come back to it from time to time to refresh what it is I learned in it. 

I can honestly say if it hadn't been for Mr. Cauvel (and all my other art teachers) I wouldn't have made it at all. This book was the first big step and personally I feel every artist should have it in their library - which most do. I know this isn't really news for most artists that this book is pivotal in learning but at least for me it is one of the most important - as in if I only had ten books on a desert island important.

If you are just starting out learning how to draw - this is the best place to start for anyone.

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