Sunday, November 11, 2012

More in progress...

Here are more in progress shots: I decided to redo the Snow White and Rose Red painting (the one with the bear!) and here is a new one of one of my favorite characters...who has nine fire lizards, hmmmm?

Tarzan Redux

I decided I had to do my Tarzan painting over again...

Works in Progress

I have been participating in the Smarter Art School this fall - and these are some of my in progress pieces. The comparison between learning how to drive a manual transmission and learning how to paint is very apt - but the painting is FAR more painful! and FUN!!!

IMC 2012 painting

This year we did Tarzan...

What a huge leap!

Friday, May 11, 2012


Here is my latest painting and I must say I am thrilled with it! This was a challenge in a number of ways - putting the reference together in a believable manner, choosing colors and values. What an incredible learning experience! I am especially proud of my little mouse all curled up and still sleeping. His little paws came out so - precious!
Bloom - oil on board.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Frog Prince Redux

My second version after getting come great feedback from Drawn Today folks! This one is on a smooth board with oil. Can you find the princess?

Saturday, March 24, 2012

New painting - In OIL!!!

After two weeks of painting little squares of color making color charts with oil paints I spent a day making this little painting! 8 x 10 in OIL!! I have been painting in acrylics for years because I just didn't "get" oil paint. When you mix and paint 600 individual squares of color you lose your fear of a media! My hands are so much stronger and you DO NOT want to mess with me if I have a palette knife in my hand! I am so pleased with what I was able to do and that I GET IT now! I can only imagine how much this will improve as I keep going!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Here's a little taster of what I have coming up soon! I am finally getting cracking on all my various websites, updating the site, and throwing some painting in here and there. More coming soon! LOTS more!