Monday, March 18, 2013

What a great book!

I have so many anatomy books so I didn't think I needed this one. However - this one has anatomical images of so many different animals not available in most animal anatomy books, as well as excellent human anatomy. 

This is a must have for any artist's library!

Learning never stops...

I am already participating in two classes on with and then I get the sale announcement from ... I have been dying to take the Tom Fluharty oil painting course and with the sale I could not resist.

I am at the sketching stage now and already I am pushing myself harder than I normally do. I cannot WAIT to see how these come out!

I know that sometimes the best way to learn is to just dive in and do it, but even though I have been in and out of art schools for years I have never been taught anything about painting in oil in any particular technique (except what I had learned last semester in Greg's class) and I had to take this opportunity to learn Dutch Flemish technique.

This is going to be fun!!!