Monday, May 13, 2013


One thing I have learned in the past few years on this journey to becoming an independent working artist is that commitments LOVE company! I have committed myself to becoming the best artist I can be, meaning working on my skills, working on my concepts, learning professional attitudes... and that has brought on the need to make other commitments. I am now committed to saving money like I have never done before. It sounds foolish NOT to but it is very easy to justify so much of your daily spending as "necessary" when you have a regular paycheck coming in. So now - I need to treat my income as if it were money earned as a freelancer BEFORE I make the leap into becoming a freelancer.  I realized all this painting and drawing means after sitting in a chair all day at the office I am sitting in a chair all night at home - and things are starting to atrophy. I want to enjoy a LONG career as an artist and that means I need to get in shape! It means committing to a gym and working out three times a week (to start - I am definitely an endorphin junkie!) no matter how much laundry needs to be washed...

Committing to my painting and Illustration dreams means committing to taking care of myself in every way possible...AND taking care of my family and friends which all becomes easier as I build a foundation of commitment to a better life...

It means growing up and taking responsibility for myself... in a way I never understood before.

All because I wanted to draw really cool pictures of characters in books I love to read.