Monday, September 23, 2013

Post-Illuxcon Recovery


Illuxcon was... Wow.

Being surrounded by living masters of painting...

The kindness and generosity of everyone...

What an amazing show!

It was my first public showing of my work and I am blown away by the reaction I had from everyone who saw it.

Thank you!

What I learned was invaluable - and again thank you!

I am so excited and inspired to do more good work!

Let's see what happens next year!!!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Almost ready for Illuxcon!!

No, I have not dropped off the face of the earth - I am learning why doing shows is such an ordeal... All of the preparation, the ordering of business cards, making prints to sell, setting up a portfolio and sample pack to give out to art directors, dusting off equipment, forgetting to eat..

Wishing I had time to paint! Well I have updated my website with some new stuff that I will be showing at Illuxcon in Allentown ( during the two nights of the Showcase. Stop by if you get a chance! It is such a thrill to be involved in the show this year, and I know when I get home I will be creating my "Do Not Panic" package of "Stuff for Shows"

(Above is my painting for the Amanda Palmer Tarot card Kickstarter project that was wildly successful! 78 different artist took part and I was so lucky to be one of them! (Reference photo by Elliott Franks) I will have this painting at Illuxcon and yes, it is for sale!!